Standard terms and conditions of sale
- All orders are accepted on the basis of prices ruling at the date of despatch.
- Quotations are given in good faith based on current prices and availability of suitable material at the time of quotation and subject to being unsold prior to customer’s orders being received. Manufacturers part numbers are used for reference purposes only.
- Whilst every effort will be made to honour delivery dates given, no guarantee or warranty as to the rate or time of delivery is given, or implied and we cannot accept customers’ costs or consequential loss or damages of any kind.
- We reserve the right to supply quantities of “Special Items” up to 10% more, or less, than the quantity ordered and to invoice on a pro rata basis.
- The acceptance by us of a scheduled order (i.e. an order placed for total quantities with deliveries to be spread over a period of time) does not restrict the customers’ liability in any way and the customer will be responsible for payment of the price, of the full order. If the rate of a previously agreed schedule is altered without further mutual agreement, we reserve the right to review and amend the price.
- Once we have commenced production of customers’ special items, cancellation costs will be incurred up to the stage of manufacture and will be charged accordingly.
- Whilst every care is taken with material and labour to ensure satisfaction, should any goods be rejected as defective and returned to us, we will replace or re-work as necessary, but we accept no responsibility for work expended thereon, customers’ costs or consequential losses or damages of any kind.
- Whilst we do our utmost to meet customer product specifications and requirements, we do not accept responsibility for specification variances which are not clearly transmitted to us in drawings and specification details. These include insufficient detail available, where specification are not clear, references to obsolete technical standards or where customer requested substitute materials have been used.
- Terms of account are 30 days following the date of receipt of goods unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing. Interest may be charged on overdue invoices at 10% per month on a daily basis. We reserve the right to sell overdue invoices to a collection agency of our own choice and you will be informed by letter or email if this decision is taken.
- The title of the goods supplied remains the property of Bonut Engineering Ltd. and does not pass until payment has been received in full. In the case of resale our beneficial entitlement shall attach to the proceeds of the re-sale.
- The above conditions of sale over-ride any conditions of purchase unless specifically agreed to in writing.