Following our successful exhibition at Torque-Expo 2015 we are delighted to announce that we will be exhibiting again at the Torque-Expo 2016 between 11th and 12th October this year. The show is again at the Silverstone wing in Northamptonshire. The 2015 show allowed us to reach many new and existing customers in what proved to […]
Author: Dan
Bonut to Exhibit at Torque-Expo Trade Show 2015
We are pleased to inform you that Bonut Engineering Ltd and Dereve Valves will be exhibiting at the Torque-Expo on 13-14 October 2015. The venue is at the Silverstone Circuit, Northants, NN12 8TN. Torque-Expo is a two day trade only event which encompasses tooling, abrasives, fasteners, DIY, consumables and many more. We will be at […]